‘Purpose’ Category

#30DaysofThanks Starts Today!

Guess what, Gusties? The Wellbeing Center and the Office of the Chaplains are pleased to have launched The Gratitude Project. “Why?” you ask. Expressing gratitude–showing appreciation for what you have, and recognizing how you have been supported and affirmed by other people–yields many wellbeing-related benefits: More energy and alertness Increased joy, optimism, happiness Acting with more generosity, […]

Inside Out and Outside In: On Aligning Wellbeing + the Lutheran Tradition

By Darrell Jodock Let me add my welcome to all of you. Some of you are very familiar with the traditions and core values of Gustavus and others of you are not. I’m going to risk repetition in order that this board can have a common starting point. I invite you to think of the […]